Monday, December 6, 2010

Shawshank Redemption

The movie and the story are based on the same exact plot. They are almost exactly the same. The movie did a great job in depicting the short story. The slight difference in the two is that in the movie Andy drops the gun when he sees his wife cheating on him. In the story, Andy goes and throws it in a river. The rest of the film is the same. Red is the narrator of both the film and the movie. He gets Andy whatever Andy needs. Andy gets a rock hammer and he gets a poster of Marilyn Monroe. Andy is in prison for the same reason and he gets out in the same way. The story also ends in Red reading Andy's note and finding him, as the film also does.

Red is the narrator in the film and he almost says word for word what the story says. He explains how Andy got to Shawshank and also how he got their. The movie is also first and second person, like the short story is. It is almost Red and Andy talking the whole time. In the movie, you get to see Andy's character come to life and the director does a great job in keeping him close to the Andy in the story. Red is the exact is exactly how you would think he would sound and Morgan Freeman does a great job.

There are some minor differences in the Andy in the story and the Andy in the film. Andy in the story is short and has "glasses". Red pretty much descibes him as a quiet, nerdy looking guy. In the film, Andy is a tall guy without glasses. He is a pretty good size and does not look nerdy at all. He is very quiet in both the works, but that is the only thing that is the same about the appearance. Red is a good size black man in both the film and the original story.

The film and the story both take place in a Federal prison called Shawshank. It is a prison in Maine and it is high security. Andy goes to prison for the same crime. He is also innocent in both the film and the story. Red is not innocent and he admits what he does at the beginning, in both works. The setting of the film and all the same as the story. It is the story coming to life in a film.

The theme is get from the story is a little different from the theme i get from the story. The theme i got from the story is that the law sometimes gets it wrong. The themes could be the same, but I also get a different one from the film. I got that the corrupt eventually get what they deserve. I also got that the good find a way to use the bad to prove there innocence and become free. Andy uses the bad to get money and to escape from prison. The wardon tries breaking the rules to get what he wants out of Andy. He eventually kills himself before he gets arrested.