Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sonnet 130

Shakespeare is telling the reader about his lover. He is making it sound like the woman he is describing is ugly, but in fact it is the exact opposite. The woman he is describing is the most beautiful woman in Shakespears eys and he loves her. He understands that she is not perfect, but no one is. He descrides the woman by saying, "My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun; Coral is far more red than her lips;..." (Lines 1-2). He is saying that her eyes are not like the sun, but no ones eyes is like the sun. He also goes on to say, "And yet, by heaven, I think my love is rare..." (Line 13). He is telling us that he loves her even if she is not perfect as the things he is describing.
 This message is very true. There are many beautiful women in the world that do not have the physical features that Shakepeare describes. Women have many different eye colors, skin colors, hair colors, and they do not fly. They are human and they are beautiful no matter what some of their features are. Some examples of women that look nothing like what he is describing and still are good looking are: Eva Longoria, Beyonce, Kate Hudson, Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Aniston. All of those women have different features and different ethnicities, but they are all very beautiful. Some are black, some are white, and some are hispanic. Their skin is not white as snow and their eyes are not anything like the sun. This is why Sonnet 130 holds true.


  1. I like the people you choose that are famous. It is very true that people are beautiful no matter there features.

  2. I agree fully with your reasons and examples about the sonnet. Beauty doesn't come from the physical features but from what is inside.
